
Still hotel welcome brochure

Signature Brand Design

My standard Brand Design service is rooted in strategy and starts with a brand questionnaire and discovery call where we'll be thinking about your business goals, your audience, how you want to make them feel, and all the things that set your business apart from the rest. This foundation will inform the creative direction and inspire the visual concepts that I present to you. We'll collaborate and revise, resulting in a brand that meets your vision and resonates with your customers.

typically includes:
  • Comprehensive brand questionnaire
  • 1 hour discovery call
  • 2 mood board options
  • 2 creative direction concepts presented
  • Full logo suite (primary logo, secondary logo, brand marks)
  • Color palette
  • Typography selection
  • Supporting brand elements (patterns, textures, illustration)
  • Social Media Profile Photos
  • Instagram Templates (3 Post Templates, 3 Story Templates)
  • 2 rounds of revisions
  • Comprehensive brand guidelines document

4–6 weeks


Starts at $4,500 USD

Schedule a call
Starfruit logo

Brand in a Week

Not quite ready to invest in custom design? Brand in a Week is a simplified version of my Custom Brand Design service, condensed into a one week process. This is great for newer businesses who are in need of a professional look but don't need all the bells and whistles.

  • Mini brand questionnaire
  • 1 hour discovery call
  • 1 creative direction concept presented
  • A minimal primary logo & secondary logo
  • Color palette
  • Typography selection
  • 1 round of revisions
  • 1-page brand board

1 week


$2,500 USD

Schedule a call

It could be the right time to invest in Brand Design if:

You're ready for a unique and memorable brand that will turn heads and help you stand out among your competitors

You want to connect with your ideal audience, establish trust, and turn them into loyal repeat customers

You're looking for a cohesive and scalable visual identity that you feel confident about presenting to the world

flower icon

You want to increase sales and profitability by showcasing a brand that mirrors your high quality product or service

kind words

Mariel is very skilled at asking the right questions to get to the exact specifics of what you want and responding with empathy and understanding. She is very professional and adaptable to feedback.”

— Kelly, Starfruit

Ready to elevate your brand?
Schedule a Call